Monday, 1 July 2013

Mirrors - Trailer

Mirrors comes under the genre of Horror and the sub-genre supernatural
          The trailer shows us that the story will focus about a man called Ben Carson who is positioned at the night guard of Mayflower, a luxury department store that was gutted by a fire and shuttered for close to a decade. The store is still filled with numerous mirrors around the store.
          We learn that Ben Carson has two children, one daughter and one son. This sets up the family relationship that will add a different atmosphere to the film making the audience react if different ways than they would if the man was alone.
          We then see the logos of the makers of the film reversed, as if we are looking at them threw a mirror, adding to the title of the film and already making the audience feel amerced within the film.
The audience starts to get the sense of an ominous presses within the film as the calm and happy music fades away and is replaced by a jittery violin as if the bow is being bragged down the strings making it screech. This is followed by seeing Ben Carson standing in front of a mirror, his reflection is blurred making our attention focus on him. While your attention is drawn on the 'real' Ben his reflection turns to look at him, within the 'real' Ben moving. Now because your attention has been focused on Ben this means that you would have either missed this moment or would have caught eye of it. making this scene seem ever creepier when you go back and watch it again. Because we all see things we didn't see the first time when we watch it again, and how else would you make that clip seem even creepier? By adding a soon followed moan of pain accompanied with Ben turning frantically towards the creation of the sound. This adds to the ominous feeling that even when Ben is alone, he is never fully alone.
          After seeing a few short clips that show Ben searching we find Ben looking at a mirror that has a ghostly hand print on it, Ben is curious of this and so, following the typical horror aspect of 'if you don't know what it is go towards it', places his hand over the print. For about a second nothing happens but when you think all is calm the glass breaks sending Ben to the floor in shock leaving him vulnerable.
          Now the film allows us to get an understanding of what happened before Ben got their. We cut to Ben sitting at a desk on the phone asking someone to run a chack on the man that worked at the Mayflower before him. Results obviously do not come back with very pleasing news. We cut to seeing the man that worked at the Mayflower before him posishing a broken mirror and begging, what seems like his reflection, for his life. This is followed by a peice of the glass falling off, and being picked up by the guard, but as the man bends over to pick up the shard his reflection does not, he just simple watched as he does so. While this happens we hear the music slowly building to it's climax as you know that this is not going to end well for the guard. Once standing with the shard in his hand watching his reflection the mirror image of the guard becomes distorted for a split second allowing the audience to know that whatever is in the reflecions is not simply a reflection. Of corse now the reflection

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