The poster gives us a brief look into content of the Man of Steel film, showing us Superman in his most effective state, flying above the city of Metropolis. The poster looks at Superman from an equal level, looking down towards the city. This gives the audience the feeling that they are equal to Superman and feel as if we are as indestructible as Superman himself.
By putting the audience at an equal level to him it allows them to connect with the character, as they don't feel that character is above them nor do they feel that they are better than him, we see Metropolis in a blur below him, suggesting to the audience that Superman is flying at a high speed, and from the serous expression on his face we get a sense that danger is about. We see a bright light behind Superman, which could just be the sun shining past him but from the colour of the light and from seeing that the sky does not look like a nice sunny day it gives the idea that Superman is being followed. Which will automatically make the audiences start asking questions about the danger that Superman is in. What will happen to our beloved superhero? All of the above will be leaning the audience towards wanting to go and see the film, for nothing screams at an audience more than the hero being in danger.
Looking into the content of the poter towards details of the film we see the release date, who are staring in the film and of corse the name of the film.
By including the names of the staring roles within the film allows the people who are maybe not superman fanatics but actor fanatics, they could see that there is a actor in the film that they think really adds a lot to the films that they feature in, making them want to go see the film to see how and who they are within the film.
Date is an important feature for how succesful a film is. If a film such as Superman man was to be shown around september then not as many people would probably have the opertunity to go seeing as a lot of the audience that they want to capture would be in school and would find it difficult to go and see due to work, exams and such things as that. Where as showing the film in June means school is coming to an end and people are going to be more relaxed and looking for enjoyment, and what better way to get that enjoyment than to see the latest Superman film Man od Steel.
By including the names of the staring roles within the film allows the people who are maybe not superman fanatics but actor fanatics, they could see that there is a actor in the film that they think really adds a lot to the films that they feature in, making them want to go see the film to see how and who they are within the film.
Date is an important feature for how succesful a film is. If a film such as Superman man was to be shown around september then not as many people would probably have the opertunity to go seeing as a lot of the audience that they want to capture would be in school and would find it difficult to go and see due to work, exams and such things as that. Where as showing the film in June means school is coming to an end and people are going to be more relaxed and looking for enjoyment, and what better way to get that enjoyment than to see the latest Superman film Man od Steel.
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