Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Filming - Planning More!

After looking back at the footage that we got from our previous filming day, we unfortunatly found that A) there wasn't nearly enough of the things that we wanted. B) There was not enough of the footage that we could use to create the trailer that we had planned.
Due to this we have chosen to set another filming day on Thursday, 30th Jan. After descussing ideas for what we could get on the day we found that the weather forcast for then is raining, meaning it was going to cause problems with what we had planned to film. But because of our need for more footage we have chosen to go ahead with the filming any way and get as much as we can done. A few scenes with rain may be the thing our trailer needs. Showing the audience the struggles that the survivors have to go through, tackling all kinds of weather and enviroments.

Sound Track - Change in Idea

We decided to test out some other ideas for possible sound tracks to accompany our trailer. After going away and casually listening to music, Ryan found a song which he felt was a good idea to accompany the trailer, Zombies by The Cranberries. But because we know that only a limited amount of our final creation can be copyrighted we came up with the idea of covering the song but changing sections so the song becomes a little more original. This will be done but key changes, alteration to the melody and a slight change in tempo.

We plan on going away and testing out this idea on Thursday, 30th Jan. After a added day of filming to get some more shots for our Trailer.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Sound Track

One of the crucial components of a good trailer is a good sound track. The music used need to have the right effect upon the audience. If your film is full of action and on-edge scenes then you was a sound track that links with the high tension.

Because of this we had the idea of beginning our trailer with a slow, acoustic guitar. Giving a calm solemn feel to the clips that are being shown, of isolation. Once the feeling of being alone and trying to survive has set in, we bring in a heavier bass line and drums over, showing the drastic change that the people would have had to deal with within their lives. The guitar would then continue in the form of an electric guitar, adding in a solo towards the end to show the need for improvisation within this new life that people have had to adapt too.

Music within a trailer will either enhance or kill what the audience is seeing. The music needs to fit to mood of what the audience is watching, otherwise it will take away from the feeling that the trailer is trying to get the audience to feel. The trailer needs to grab the audience and convince them that they are going to want to take the time to spend their money and see this film, this cannot happen if the whole thing is ruined bu a poor choice in sound track.

Story Board - EraZe

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Research and Planning Grade

Well done Matt. You have meade a great start and evidence of both research into similar products and planning for your own trailer is present. You have included audience profiling posts, but you should add to these, explaining what the numbers suggest about who is likely to see your film and how you intend to appeal to them in your trailer. There are still some posters and trailers on your blog with no analysis - you must analyse a range of products and explain what you learn from them and how you intend to use this in your own production. There is proficient organistation of location and actors, but you could add to your character profiles, by including an image of a similar character from the same genre and explain why your choice is appropriate. You have evidenced your time management skills through your filming diaries, and have started to consider scripting. A storyboard and shotlist is essential if you hope to improve this mark.

11/20 Level 2